
♥ honourable, honest, beautiful ♥

Dear cyberspace god who may or may not listen,

It has come to my attention that a dangerous weapon in the hands of fool, need not be of the explosive detonator kind, but more of an access to knowledge, misinformed opinion kind. I try not to be judgmental but fear has taken hold of me. Is our world spiralling into the world of the text described in "Idiocracy". Will the average American attitude of wasted information and opportunity be the precedent of the human race?

In this day and age where biological sex and age are a starting point to any abnormality in our over-advertised/marketed arena that we call our first world habitat; I feel as though numbing cream has been applied to our brain and eyes. Every now and then through the fog of benumbed, I notice that I am being attacked and then I retreat and let the ludicrousness of the capitalist barrage of bullshit wash over me. 

Kind, kind internet celestial being, give those who live here the ability to mix intelligence with some cynicism when on adventures into the world. Let me educate you from one scared person to a deity, if the world is ending which from the army of fear factored information thrown around makes seem inevitable in the next day/week/month/year/millenia; I don't know if i can do what i want, do I buy possessions, ignore my weight, behave unethically because that's what's best for my self interests, stop apologising to the people so wrapped up in their world they don't see me when their walking/driving?

your loyal subject

Rita Mae

Dear concerned blogger,

Appreciate the life you have and f*cken do what ever makes you happy and break free of the depressing outlook that you are force fed by your fellow boring humans. I know this may be a depressing philosophy that I am giving you and is unlike my usually whimsy self, but realistically I'm just sick of the complaints and negativity and want to reply to all the other silent cry's for help that fellow bloggers are engaging in. You all possess the ability to be some crazy mix of logical and ridiculous, freedom is an illusion so behave however makes you happy, your social contract states you have consented to this prison, and what you do in its confines is the only control you have. 

For now farewell and good luck... 

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