
suicide on youtube..

I apologise in advance for the topic to anyone who I may offend.. this was the spark for this debate a suicide on youtube....

I want to pose the question is it possible? Could someone stream out into the world their last cry of life? What if that was what they wanted for their dying wish to show millions of people (if they were interested) the passing from life to death? Could it be used for psychological research? A political statement.

In the movie Live! we are shown what could be the next step in reality tv shows. Russian Roulette broadcasted live.  Celebrities get involved.. Human society is disgusted and intrigued by the violence. What are the rules on youtube? On blogs?

please if your listening and this is not from someone who is suicidal but just curious... give me your thoughts..

Your Rita Mae


  1. It's about control and violence. How much control is ok, and how much violence is ok. If I were per say to post a video on how I was going to commit suicide but didn't, where is the line there?

  2. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/sydney-suicide-jump-witnessed-by-mall-shoppers/story-e6frg6nf-1225878175856

    YouTube Australia won't remove video of a man about to leap to his death at a Westfield shopping centre in Sydney.

  3. how would one post their own suicide?

  4. a friend. a program specifically made to upload. i dont know. Im just posing should it be that if someone wants to do it should they be allowed to?

  5. well whose going to stop them anyway?

  6. whats the point in that tho? it wont stop the ppl actually committing suicide so who cares if they leave behind a blog or letter - they should be putting money into depression and anxiety programs and not internet censors..bit late in the problem really!

  7. If somebody wanted to do it who wasn't depressed, who was simply doing an experiment and being part of a philosophical lesson for other people that could change the way I look at it I guess but like I said - too many tangents.
