
come and explore Oxford with me ♥

Judith and Christine and I started at the Covered Market for our day of exploring in Oxford City ! 

Gorgeous Christine and Judith. 

Kisses for those back home and reading this, especially for my lovely boyfriend.

We were then off on a 2 hour Oxford City walking tour. Warning these are random amazing pictures of the magic that is, Oxford City.

Below were pictures of the best part of the walking tour, St Mary's Passage. 

C.S Lewis started to form his ideas for The Chronicles of Narnia whilst in Oxford, the story goes that he walked out of St Mary's cathedral on a wintery night and looked upon this doorway.

This is the faun that inspired the character Mr Tumnus. 

This is the door that inspired Aslan. 

Here is the lantern that inspired the lamppost that Lucy finds after she passes through the wardrobe. 

Below was the bridge of sighs. Supposed to be modelled after the one in Venice.

After lots of walking around we went into what is called Keble college, one of the residential halls for students here at Oxford University! It was breathtaking! 

This was the chapel that Keble College proudly (rightfully so) has. 

A treasure which hangs in this magnificent building is the "Light of the World"by Holman Hunt.

Seriously! Imagine living at Keble College and going to classes everyday, what a dream!

The Sheldonian Theatre was next!

It has a ceiling of 32 paintings that interlock and represent the fight of good vs evil. 

This is the view from inside the roof of the Sheldonian Theatre of Oxford. 

We ended our day tour with a trip to St Mary's and the adjoining gorgeous little cafe! 

That was one eventful day. I am so grateful for the experience so thank you again to my family who made this possible and I feel entirely blessed for all the good luck and good weather. Goodnight everyone, kisses. 


  1. wow!!!!! thank you so much for all this great photos and every photo is amazing:-} thank you Princess, love always Mummyxxx & Colin..

  2. Such an incredible adventure baby!! So many beautiful buildings. I bet you spent ages looking in that stationary shop hehe. Is it your favorite shop there? Also, those pictures showing C.S Lewis' inspiration is really cool. The Mr Tumnus one looks just like him in the movies. So good to see you having such a great time. I love and miss you very much xxx
